Friday 14 June 2013

Eating like a Cavewoman... Thoughts on Paleo living

Although not an expert, I have been doing a bit of reading up on the ever growing popular paleo diet / lifestyle.
I have found there to be mixed opinions on whether the paleo diet is beneficial for weight loss purposes, health and sustainability.
I have friends who swear by it and I must say some of their recipes are simply delicious- think paleo chocolate brownies, cookies, avocado mousse, granola, coconut oils and honey YUM! (Can you tell I am a sweet tooth)
Then I have friends on the other side of the fence who claim it is just another 'fad' diet and not sustainable with health impacts, such as high cholesterol and a lack of nutrients from excluding certain food groups.
So what is this paleo diet I speak of? (Also known as the primal, caveman or stone age diet)
In short, the paleo diet is drawn from our ancestral lifestyle back in our hunter-gatherer days. Eating whole and unprocessed foods as close to their natural state as possible. The diet includes red meats, free range poultry, fish, vegetables. fruits, berries, some nuts and seeds. Foods avoided include grains, legumes, refined sugar and dairy.
See image below of the Paleo food pyramid.

Pro's of the Paleo Diet?
1) No processed foods with low micronutrients/ Elimination of 'empty calories' encouraging weight loss
2) Encourages more vegetables high in fibre
3) Eating small amounts of lean meats is good for satiety (feeling full) and will help develop muscle. However, too much is associated with heart disease, increased cholesterol and oxidative stress.
Con's of the Paleo Diet?
1) It avoids foods groups like dairy and grains. There food groups provide essential micronutrients like calcium, vitamin D, magnesium & phosphrus is dair and B vitamine, fibre & antioxidants in your grainy foods.
2) Little science to back up claims
3) Today’s meats are much higher in saturated fat and lower in omega-3 than they were in the Paleolithic era.
   4) Due to the exclusion of certain food groups can be unsustainable for some and result in binge    eating behaviour
In conclusion, I am impartial on the Paleo diet, I'll let you form your own opinion and whether is suits your needs/lifetsyle.
On one hand the foods included are all very wholesome and natural, on the other there simply isn't enough scientific evidence to back up the claims and another point I might add is evolution... Mankind has the ability to adapt to his environment, surely we have well evolved since Caveman days? Just a thought :)


 Check out the Eat Drink Paleo website for some yummy recipes like this breakfast granola (left):


  1. Are You Having Trouble FOLLOWING with the Paleo Diet?

    Want to munch on some delicious recipes TONIGHT?

    Check out: Paleohacks Cookbook.

  2. 3 Studies SHOW How Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you actually kill fat by consuming Coconut Fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 studies from large medicinal journals are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world around!
