Sunday 9 June 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox Experiment!

One week on after winning the U30's fitness model division last week at ANB Fitness & Muscle Mania; I have consumed more chocolate and sugar than anyone should ever!
For almost a week, continually gorging into chocolate eating frenzy's involving blocks of Cadbury chocolate, bars, jars of Nutella, Tim Tams, lollies, bowls of melted chocolate with almonds mixed in (yes this happened) I felt my energy levels decreasing, my mood dropping and my need for more chocolate raising.... All within 7 days!! It became apparent that this stuff was quickly becoming dangerous, abusing chocolate like a drug user would for my fixes I realised sugar really is a drug. Get stressed = eat chocolate, hating work = eat chocolate, lonely or bored = eat chocolate.
I decided to go cold turkey and they say it takes 21 days to break a habit! This is my new goal... After speaking with a friend who also competed last weekend, said she was going through something similiar eating a lot of sugary foods and carbohydrates- She put me onto something she believed in and was going to be starting herself- The 21- Day Sugar Detox!!

The program is designed to rid your body of cravings for sugar and carbs! Exactly what I need.
The program also speaks about some of the dangers and ill effects of sugar such as links to cancer, diabetes, obesity, food allergies, depression, interference with your absoprtion of protein, dizziness and even clouds your mind to even think properly!

After dietting so strict for so long leading up to the comp, the sudden sugar over load had a huge impact of my sleeping, waking in cold sweats, heart racing, dizzy and my mind racing, not able to think calmly!

The 21 days has started from this morning finishing on the 30th June 2013!!
I will keep you posted on my progress and how I am handling this little experiment.


Jenna Bleakley Fitness

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