Thursday 3 April 2014

Should you count calories for weight loss? My experiences!

Now days, the majority of popular diets have a high focus on counting calories and/or counting macronutrients. [Macronutrient: Ratio of carbohydrates, fat and protein]
The reason calorie counting is a main focus is simply due to the fact that you must consume less energy (calories) that you expend, thus putting you in a calorie deficit, in order to lose weight.
If maintaining your current weight is your goal, consume an equal value of calories to your total daily expenditure (TTE). And finally if you want to gain weight, you must be in a calorie surplus.
Excluding those with medical conditions or metabolic damage, at the end of the day it all comes down to calories in versus calories out!

What the hell is calorie anyways?
"Calories are simply a measure of the heat energy in food, typically measured by burning 1 gram of the food. Kilojoules measure the same thing by a different measure.  1 calorie = 0.004184 kilojoules.  1 gram of Protein and Carbohydrate is 4 calories, whereas fat is more than double at 9 calories. 1 gram of alcohol is 7 calories"


Weight loss via good old calorie counting sounds so simple in theory, right?
There are two sides to every story of course.
Let's have a look at some of the benefits and drawbacks to calorie counting.

Pro's of counting calories

It teaches you to make better food choices or more so teaches you how energy dense poor food choices are.
Before I started counting calories, I had no idea how many calories were in just one 55g Cadbury chocolate bar or the carbohydrate value or breads and pasta. From reading nutritional labels and entering my food intake into My Fitness Pal I have acquired valuable data that I have memorized, which helps me make better food choices everyday.

It keeps you accountable and in control. People are less likely to make poor food choices if they have to write it down or enter it into their food diary. Food diaries have been proven as effective weight loss measurements in holding people accountable to what they eat. You can't just forget about that slice of mud cake you had at morning tea for Susie in the pay office birthday it's on paper. Especially if you have to report back to your coach/nutritionist or personal trainer.

It helps you accurately create a calorie deficit. What gets measured gets managed.
Calorie counting takes the guesswork out of losing weight and helps you to be specific, accurate and make every day count. It also gives you feedback that you can change. If you get to the end of a few weeks of counting and haven’t dropped centimetres then  you can go back through your diary and reflect on what better choices you could have made.

It helps with portion control
Many people eat double or more the recommended serving sizes of foods, because they’ve never measured their portions. Spending a few weeks measuring all your food brings your portion control back into line. Have you ever checked the serving size on the size of a cereal box and measured it out? It's tiny compared to the usual heaped bowl we all unwittingly pour ourselves every morning.

Con's of Calorie Counting

It may lead to obsessive behavior. Perfectionism at its worst! All or nothing thinking. Me all over! 
It can lead to black and white, good or bad type thinking that is a part of a dieting mentality and not ideal for long term, sustainable lifestyle change.

It's tedious, anti-social and blood stressful. For it to be accurate, you must enter in accurate data. This means weighing your food and logging every time you eat so you don't forget.
 Eating in and preparing your food is the way to keep accuracy, this can also cause people to be hesitant toward eating out because they can't weigh it or know exactly what is in it. I had a friend who used to take her digital scales to restaurants and weigh her steak at the table, at the time I understood but for anyone else watching they probably thought we were complete nut jobs.

It doesn’t take into account the hormonal response to certain food types.
Your body responds to each food differently. Each food has a massive impact on insulin and glucose on your blood stream which affects how, where and what, your body does with the energy from the food. A calorie of protein does not affect your body the same way that a calorie of carbohydrate does. It is far too simple to give you the whole picture


My thoughts

I have done my fair share of calorie counting and macronutrient counting. Weighing my food, preparing meals, making sure I was withing a 5g radius of my carb, fat and protein targets.
After calorie counting for so long and after considering all the pro's and con's, I personally think think calorie counting is great for the short term, no longer than 10 weeks. It will teach you to make better food choices and less energy dense food choices and you will become more aware about what you eat.
Calorie counting is not a long term solution, it can hinder enjoyment of food and stop you living a balanced, relaxed and healthy lifestyle.
If you are a perfectionist like myself, you can become obsessive and get stressed out when you can't control your calorie intake, this kind of black and white thinking can set people up for disordered eating behavior.

Balance is the key! Thuy and I before walking to get Frozen Yoghurt in Glenelg!

How to estimate your total daily calorie needs.

  1. Estimate your basic energy needs.
    Multiply your current weight (in pounds) by 10 if you’re a woman or 11 if you’re a man. Or use the formula in table below, which factors in your age in addition to your sex.
    For example: Sue is a 45-year-old female who weighs 155 pounds. She calculates her BMR like this:
    155 pounds ÷ 2.2 = 70.45 kilograms
    70.45 kilograms x 8.7 = 612.92 calories
    612.92 calories + 829 calories = 1,441.92 calories
    So Sue’s BMR — or the number of calories that her body needs at complete rest to function — is roughly 1,442 calories.
    If you figure Sue’s BMR by using the shortcut method, her needs are about 1,550 (155 pounds x 10 = 1,550) — a bit higher than the full calculation, but still in the same ballpark.
How Many Calories Your Body Needs Per Day for Basic Energy Needs
Age Use This Equation to Calculate Your BMR
* Men
18 to 30 [15.3 x weight (in kilograms)] + 679
30 to 60 [11.6 x weight (in kilograms)] + 879
Older than 60 [13.5 x weight (in kilograms)] + 487
* Women
18 to 30 [14.7 x weight (in kilograms)] + 496
30 to 60 [8.7 x weight (in kilograms)] + 829
Older than 60 [10.5 x weight (in kilograms)] + 596
  1. Determine your activity factor value.
    How active are you? Find the description in the following table that best matches your lifestyle. If you have a desk job but fit in a dose of daily exercise (at least 30 minutes), consider yourself in the light or moderate category.
How Active Are You?
If, Throughout Most of Your Day, Your Activities Include Your Activity Level Is Your Activity Factor Is
Sitting or standing; driving; painting; doing laboratory work; sewing, ironing, or cooking; playing cards or a musical instrument; sleeping or lying down; reading; typing Very light 0.2
Doing garage, electrical, carpentry, or restaurant work; house-cleaning; caring for children; playing golf; sailing; light exercise, such as walking, for no more than 2 miles Light 0.3
Heavy gardening or housework, cycling, playing tennis, skiing, or dancing; very little sitting Moderate 0.4
Heavy manual labor such as construction work or digging; playing sports such as basketball, football, or soccer; climbing Heavy 0.5
  1. Multiply your basic energy needs by the activity factor value that you determined in Step
    Using Sue as an example, she multiplies her BMR of 1,442 by 0.3 because her activity level is light — running around after her kids, taking care of the house, and fitting in a 2-mile morning walk with her neighbors every other day. Sue needs 432.6 calories for her activity level.
    1,442 x 0.3 = 432.6 calories
  2. Determine the number of calories that you need for digestion and absorption of nutrients.
    Eating food actually burns calories. Digesting food and absorbing nutrients uses about 10 percent of your daily energy needs. Add together your BMR and activity calories and then multiply the total by 10 percent.
    The calculation for Sue’s calorie needs for digestion and absorption looks like this:
    1,442 calories + 432.6 calories = 1874.6 x 10% = 187.5 calories
  3. Total your calorie needs.
    Add together your BMR, activity, and digestion/absorption calorie needs to get your total calorie needs — that is, the number of calories that you need to maintain your current weight.
    To maintain her current weight of 155 pounds, Sue calculates her total calorie needs like this:
    1,442 calories + 432.6 calories + 187.5 calories = 2,062 total calories

Tuesday 31 December 2013

How to make your New Years Fitness Resolutions stick!

With the new year just around the corner, it's that time where people begin making resolutions for 2014.

Many start out with the best of intentions but often fail to flow through with their resolutions. 

According to research by psychologist Ricard Wiseman 52% of people are confident they will succeed yet only 12% actually do! 

Let's make 2014 different! This year is the time to make your resolutions count. Sit down and create your schedule for a New You in the New Year.

The biggest challenge to achieving your resolutions in 2014 is making ones that are realistically attainable and practical to begin with.

 If you eat a lot of take away foods, you may have a goal to kick  fast food restaurants to the curb. 
Instead of making bold statements such as, "I will not eat fast food for 2014" opt for "I will eat fast food no more than once every two weeks." When you achieve this goal,  you can then hone in and change your resolution to "I will only eat take away once a month" And so on. 

Here are some tips for helping make those resolutions stick: 

1. Write them Down

 Write out your goals and stick it up somewhere you can reflect on daily. It will remind you of the goals you have set.

2. Make your goals specific 

Decide how many times a day, week, or month you can do something and shun away from saying "everyday." Life happens, and you don't want "everyday" to be the cause of you throwing in the towel all together on your goals.

3. Keep it Realistic

Although the idea of losing 5kg in a week sounds great  it's not realistic nor healthy. You will also be likely to put it all back on as fast as you lost it! 
 Weight loss goals should be based on losing .5- 1kg a week if you want to lose it and keep it off. 

4. Get support 

Once you’ve set out all the steps you need to take to smash your new year’s resolution, try sharing your list with a trusted friend or loved one. Not only will you be ten times more likely to stick to your resolutions, they’ll also be able to help keep you honest, provide moral support and be there to celebrate with you, when you accomplish your goals.

Train with a friend for support! 
5. Seek expert advice 

Seek out a certified nutritionist/coach to write up a diet.
Get yourself a personal trainer to help keep you motivated and design an appropriate program to get you the best results! 

My clients! Smashing abs! 

6. Check in and follow up

When you write down your goals take the time to write down follow-up dates in your calendar. 
Assess your strengths and what you can do differently to improve. 

7. Reward yourself 

Not with food. Treat yourself to a massage, new training shoes or getting your nails done when your goal has been met. 

New Year's Resolutions are a way for us to evaluate ourselves and look for ways to make improvements. 

Don't stress over them. Instead, make them positive, make them real, and make them stick. 

Make your goals SMART
Specific (what, how many times)
Measurable (how will you assess)
Attainable (achievable, practical)
Realistic (physically possible)
Time bound (a goal without a date is just a dream)

My 2013 goal was to compete as a fitness model! Not only did I make it on the stage I won the under 30's fitness category!

I can't wait to achieve my 2014 goals & Would love to hear your goals too! 
You can find me of FB "Jenna Bleakley Fitness, Health & Wellness" 

Here's to You in 2014!



Tuesday 24 December 2013

Have a healthy Christmas without Missing Out!

Christmas is here, with New Years fast approaching!

For many people like me this means parties, BBQ's, lunches, dinner and alcohol! Eating and drinking well above our needs.
Did you know that the majority of people eat 3 times the amount they need on Christmas Day alone!? Not to mention those sneaky drinks on Chrissy day! 

We do not have to feel guilty about enjoying ourselves and enjoying sharing food with our loved ones! But we need to learn how to do so in moderation. It is worth remembering that just one week of festivities can mean gaining those few extra unwanted kilos and undoing all our hard work.

Tips to not overdoing it!

My family enjoying a Christmas Lunch together!
- Start the day with a healthy breakfast. Start the day the right way- get the metabolism into gear, fill yourself up, in turn making you less likely to begin the day snacking.

- Drink water, keep hydrated. Not only does water fill you up when you want to keep eating, but it is important to stay hydrated especially if you plan on drinking a few alcoholic beverages.

- If you are like me and love your food you want to eat everything. Choose small portions and choose a little bit of each.

-Enjoy your food. Eat slowly and allow yourself to taste and savour your food before moving onto the next thing.

- Remember it takes 20 minutes for your body to register that you are full. Stop eating before you feel completely stuffed and save some for later.

- Eat plenty of salads and vegetables, they will fill you up without adding huge amounts of calories.

- Have healthier snacks such as raw nuts, fruits and vegetable sticks.

My Boot Camp Girls, smashing it out through out the holiday season!

- Do some exercise. You may want to lay down in a food coma but exercising will help your body digest the food and burn off a few extra calories. Why not have a family game of cricket or go for a walk on the beach or park!?

Follow these simple tips to a healthier festive season, enjoy the festivities and time with your families!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 

Lots of Love

Jenna xx

Christmas Party Time!

Sunday 17 November 2013

Practicing Self Love

Recently, I quit my administrative day job that was sucking the life out of me! This has left me with a lot more time to do some soul searching and self discovery. It got me thinking about self love.
Self Love has been one of the hardest things for me to learn to do and too often pushed aside as a last priority. It shouldn't be this way - Self love is just as important as fitness in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

"Where the mind goes, the body follows".

I am grateful for the amazing people I have met on my
fitness journey!

First off, we compare ourselves to others too much. Comparing ourselves to other people just makes us feel worse about ourselves. We compare our lives to our friends, family, brothers, sisters, neighbours, co-workers... the list goes on. I frequently catch myself doing it "I wish I had her body", "I wish I could afford a nice car like that", "I need fake boobs to look like her" blah blah blah.
I am learning to stop myself thinking this way, it is not productive and does nothing for my confidence.

Instead of being over concerned with all the things I wish I had, I am recognizing all the things I DO love about myself and all the things I am grateful for.
Here are some of the things I do love about myself:
Things I DO love about myself:
My blue eyes.

  • My naturally long eye lashes
  • My blue eyes
  • I am kind and non-judgemental
  • I am down to earth and 'keep it real'
  • I am humble
  • My sense of humour
  • My belly button
  • My shoulders
  • My accomplishment of winning my fitness comp this year
The list above was challenging for me to come up with. I am sure I could have easily come up with a much longer list of things I do not like about myself, which is why self love can be difficult.

It is important to have an understanding of what it is you love about yourself so you can practice self love. Try writing a list for yourself. Add to it daily, write down your accomplishments. Ask your partner, family and friends what it is they love about you and refer to this when you have a down day.

I nourish my body with wholesome foods.... And I do not
deprive myself of the things I love.
Yep, that means chocolate too!

SELF CAREI feel a lot better about myself when my life runs smoothly. Small acts of self care daily add so much value to my life.
Allowing myself extra time in the morning to cook up eggs on toast and watch the morning news, keeping the apartment tidy so I feel at ease when at home, going for a beach walk, painting my nails, getting a massage, ensuring I get 8 hours sleep are all little things I do as part of my self care routine.

Watching others achieve their
fitness goals with bodyDesign (Port
Boot Camps!

My last step for practicing self love is to discover what you are passionate about and do it.
Quitting my day job is the best decision I have made- Discovering my true passion of helping others with their fitness and health goals, I feel I am more connected with my purpose and am living a purpose-driven life. My happiness has quadrupled!

You deserve happiness! Don't let negative talk self-sabotage your happiness.

Practice self love everyday and follow these steps. Remember "Where the mind goes, the body follows"

Much Love,  Jenna xx

Thursday 31 October 2013

Blueberry Cheesecake Recipe

Last week I felt like a chesse cake, so I messed around in the kitchen and whipped up my own version that wouldn't mess up my macro's for the day! GREAT SUCCESS!
A few people have asked me for the recipe after I posted the photo up on Facebook, so here it is:
**NOTE: The ingredient ratio are estimates as I didn't measure, just whacked it all together & hoped for the best ;)

The Base:
1/3 Cup Almond Meal
2 teaspoons of stevia sugar
A little water

The Centre:
150-200g Bulla Low Fat Cottage Cheese
1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Tblspn Vanilla Essence
1/2 a banana

The Top:
30g Frozen Bluerries


Find yourself a mould you can use to set your cheesecake in, I used the cottage cheese tub and lined it with alfoil to make it easy to remove!

To make the base, simply work ingredients together to a cookie dough like consitency.
Press the into the mould. Put in the freezer whilst you prepare the centre.

In a bowl mush up the banana and stir in with the other ingredients. If it's thick, mine was, add a little greek yoghurt.
Pour on top of the base in the mould, place back in freezer.
For the top simply heat the frozen blueberries for about 40 seconds in the microwave and crush with a fork. Pour over the top of the cheesecake in the mould.

Let the cheesecake set in the freezer for 1-2 hours depending on the awesomeness of your freezer.

Spoon a small amount of greek yoghurt on the side to serve!
Serves 2, so cut in half and share with someone special <3 or if you are single, share with your cat!

Nutritional Info per Serve:
Calories: 260
Carbs: 19g
Protein: 27g
Fat: 8g

Monday 14 October 2013

Motivation at NABBA!

Recently, I attended NABBA/WFF SA State Chamionships at Norwood town hall with one of my best friends Jesse.
I had such an enjoyable evening watching the amazing bodies compete on stage after months of hard work in the gym, intense dieting, posing practice and all the thought, time and money spent into bikinis, hair, make up and tans! It was so very motivating to see such beautiful phyiques strut their stuff on stage. The vibe of the crowd was energetic and postive, one could not help but soak up the positivity of the atmosphere!

Memories <3 ANB 2013
Being at such a truly motivating event, made me realise that this is what I LOVE to do! Training, sculpting, eating clean, meeting like minded people. This is the reason why I train so hard, eat clean and pretty much talk about training and foods 24/7, not unlike many others in the audience on the night. This is my passion and I feel incredibly lucky to have the oppotunity to be a part of the fitness and competition scene.

I felt a great connection speaking with others who share my passion for fitness. I ran into so many familiar faces who I have met over the years at comps or the gym. Once home, after the competition was over, I could not sleep- I had too much energy and excitement running through my body! Inspired and motivated; I just wanted to get into the gym and lift! A job well done by the beautiful sports models, you have motivated me and re-lit my spark. I feel like I re-found my passion and am so excited to get back on that stage next season.
Some of the hightlights of NABBA:
- Lee Priest's routine to the superman theme song. Wow, what incredible dedication and passion. I was amazed to hear that Lee had only been to 3 nightclubs in his life and began competing as a teen!
- Emilie Foden taking out overall sports model. That girl can rock that stage, incredibly beautiful and her hard work certainly paid off.
- My friend Ryan Wait taking 3rd place at his first comp. I love seeing friends up there, he transformation was incredible.
- The glamour and dazzling bikini's- the girlie stuff! I love checking out the bikini designs, hair styles and getting ideas for my next comp.
Looking forward to this one next year :D
I am looking forward competing once again! Thanks to all the athletes at NABBA who inspired me and the friends I caught up with at the event!
Jenna xx

Monday 16 September 2013

The Art of Spray Tanning

If you are anything like me, you cannot stand being pastey white at anytime of the year!
Freshly Tanned by Beaute' Aroma!

An ex-solarium junkie, I now opt for the safer option and get myself to Beaute' Aroma tanning salon once every week. It has become my Thursday night ritual. It is amazing how much more confident  you feel being tanned! Not only do you look slimmer, you don't need to wear as much make-up and you exude a natural radiant summer glow.... anytime of the year!
Spray tanning has never been easier. Now with 2 hour tans available you can get sprayed that afternoon and shower before going out in the evening! Easy.

Oops! Tan print
Unfortunately, I have seen and fallen victim of many horrific spray tanning blunders, so here are some tips. It is important to find a tanning salon that offers a variety of options. Spray tanning results can vary depending on your skin pigmentation. For example the violet based tans looked best on me, where another girl may suit a green base. Speak to your spray tan consultant about what base will suit you. My personal favourite spray tan of all time is the "Mediterranean" tan available at Beaute' Aroma (Hove SA). I highly recommend you try out this one; Jenny and Marie are both very experienced spray tan technicians and will advise on the best options.

Meditteranean Flash Tan!
Available at Beaute' Aroma
Beaute' Aroma not only provide flawless tans for both fair and deep complexions, but also cater for pregnant, sensitive and dryer skin types. All tans contained certified organic ingredients, enriched with Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, Creatine & Kakadu Plum

The perfect spray tan is only as good as the skin you apply it to. For optimal results see below:


1) Exfoliation
SPRAY TAN works on the upper layers of your skin, which are constantly being shed through natural exfoliation. Your TAN will last longer if you exfoliate before getting your Spray Tan. Using a body glove or professional exfoliating product from a tan range, pay particular attention to the knees, elbows and heels. Your skin must be completely free of any moisturiser, deodorant or perfumes before getting your Spray Tan.

2) Do not wax or shave prior to tanning.
Any waxing or shaving should be done at least 24 hour prior.

3) What to wear to your tan
When getting your Spray Tan you may wear as little as you like or a full bathing suit. Most people wear just a G-String but this is a personal choice.
The application of the product takes less than 10 minutes and feels  touch dry almost immediately. It is recommended that you wear light loose clothing after being sprayed as full development of your tan will take 6 - 8 hours and you any undue friction from tight clothing may affect the final result.


Spray tan maintenance is just as important as the preparation.

1) Moisturise/Tan Extender
Purchase a tan extender which is highly moisturizing and will stop your tan 'flaking' away pre-maturely; if dead skin cells are shed they  will take your tan with them. Tan extender creams are also great because they contain a little tan in the cream, which will continually top up your colour throughout the life of the tan.

2) Fading
 If you can, avoid swimming for long periods of time as this will cause your tan to fade quicker. Especially chlorinated pools/spas.

3) Showering
Try not to scrub your skin during the life of your tan (usually 7-10 days). When you shower just wash gently.
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South Australia


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